Diving into an Acidifying Ocean "Diving into an Acidifying Ocean" brings along the users on an interactive journey that will educate them more about the dangers of ocean acidification while going back in time or travelling into the future.
Out and About In Out and About, the player character visits their grandmother and learns about the real world plants that surround a mountainside town. A natural disaster strikes while they are visiting the grandmother. In the aftermath, players find a lot of fallen trees and hard-to-follow paths and are encouraged to explore and talk to the people
ABZÛ In the game ABZÛ, the player takes on the role of a diver in a part of the ocean. Without any knowledge on himself, the environment, or the purpose of being there, it is up to the player to discover the secrets of the deep sea. During this adventure, the player will swim alongside all
Half-Earth Socialism Based on the book of Troy Vetesse and Drew Pendergrass, Half-Earth Socialism is a free videogame in which you are tasked with governing the world, reducing humanity greenhouse gas emissions, protecting biodiversity, and reducing the temperature to 1 degree above industrial levels at the year 2100. To reach that objective you’ll have different policy proposals
After Earth After Earth depicts a future where it is no longer safe for humans to live on planet Earth. The movie shows a theme of animal retribution, and that the antropocene -the age of humans- has passed.
WWF Free Rivers The WWF Free Rivers app is an educational tool that teaches its audience about the effects of a river ecosystem on the environment. By including components such as animal life, river maintenance, rehabilitation, and restoration, the app shows the right and wrongs ways a river can be treated.
The Botanical Revolution: On the Necessity of Art and Gardening An art exhibition that features an array of modern artistic interpretations of the ecological and shifting cultural importance of the garden. The exhibition seeks to stimulate ecological awareness and tries to educate its visitors on garden practices and views on nature throughout history while emphasizing the Anthropocene.
Fairphone Fairphone is a company that builds smartphones using responsibly sourced material. The project offers a way to study the Empire of digital culture through a decolonial lens that addresses the longer histories of oppression and exploitation.
Phone Story Phone Story is a game for smartphone devices that attempts to provoke a critical reflection on its own technological platform. The game seeks to make players into situated subjects aware of their place in the chain of power relations and the footprints of colonialism in our current global age.
NMF.earth NMF.earth is an app that calculates various kinds of carbon emission and guides users to reduce them by setting goals for a 'monthly budget'.
My Earth – Track Your Carbon Savings My Earth - Track Your Carbon Savings is an app that tracks energy consumption while providing suggestions on energy saving and recording the corresponding impacts.
RecycleNation RecycleNation is an informative app that aims to increase responsible recycling rates in the US by making recycling easier for everyone involved.
Dropcountr Dropcountr connects people and their water utilities on the mobile devices they use everyday.
Love Clean Streets Love Clean Streets allows local citizens to report environmental issues that they encounter (in the UK).
Refresh & Go Green Refresh & Go Green is an app that inspires people to make simple changes towards a sustainable living.
Planet A Earth is our planet A that needs to be protected. Players need to contribute to saving the planet by braving natural catastrophes, political parties that compromise environmental health for economic goals, the extinction of species that destabilize the earth’s fragile ecosystem. The 105 different playing cards represent everyday objects and ideas related to sustainability. The
iRecycle iRecycle is a 'search engine' for recycling, which provides users with local recycling information in the United States.
JouleBug “JouleBug organizes sustainability tips into actions that you buzz in the app when you do them in real-life.”
Environmental literacy, ecological literacy, ecoliteracy: What do we mean and how did we get here? “The most widely accepted meaning of environmental literacy is that it comprises an awareness of and concern about the environment and its associated problems, as well as the knowledge, skills, and motivations to work toward solutions of current problems and the prevention of new ones.” “Characterization of ecological literacy within the field of ecology has