Half-Earth Socialism

Based on the book of Troy Vetesse and Drew Pendergrass, Half-Earth Socialism is a free videogame in which you are tasked with governing the world, reducing humanity greenhouse gas emissions, protecting biodiversity, and reducing the temperature to 1 degree above industrial levels at the year 2100.  To reach that objective you’ll have different policy proposals

Plant Girl

From the Gamefound page: “Plant Girl Game is a tabletop roleplaying game about a family of plant children working together to prevent ecological disaster in their small town.” The designers describe the player’s role as follows: “You don’t have to be a girl, but you do have to be a plant. Your character’s gender is

Solar Power

A psychedelic/folk-pop album by New Zealand -born artist Lorde. The album deals with nature as a an escapist haven, introspection, climate anxiety, and more through its lyrics, sonic themes and organic recordings such as the chirping of Cicadas.

Showing They Care (Or Don’t): Affective Publics and Ambivalent Climate Activism on TikTok

Hautea, Samantha, Perry Parks, Bruno Takahashi, and Jing Zeng. “Showing They Care (Or Don’t): Affective Publics and Ambivalent Climate Activism on TikTok.” Social Media + Society, (April 2021). https://doi.org/10.1177/20563051211012344.  The microvideo platform TikTok has emerged as a popular hub for self-expression and social activism, particularly for youth, but use of the platform’s affective affordances to