All That Heaven Allows

All That Heaven Allows is a 1955 Hollywood melodrama directed by Douglas Sirk starring Jane Wyman and Rock Hudson. Cary Scott (Wyman) is a well-to-do fortyish widow in the town of Stoningham, in suburban New England, who becomes interested in Ron Kirby (Hudson), a nurseryman who takes care of her trees. Ron, content with his simple life outside the materialistic society in which they live, has

My Neighbour Totoro

My Neighbour Totoro is a 1988 fantasy story aimed primarily at children.  Satsuki and Mei—a pair of young sisters—move to an old house in the countryside with their father Kusakabe as their mother recovers from an illness. The girls explore their new house and the surrounding forest, forming a secret friendship with a large forest

Eco-persona: @Camila_Cabello on Instagram

Celebrity Camilla Cabello has been an advocate for climate action for long time now. She uses her Instagram page @Camilla_Cabello as a way to express her ideas, opinions and feelings towards global warming, encourage her followers, the industry and the government to take action against global warming and share her love for nature and our