Diving into an Acidifying Ocean "Diving into an Acidifying Ocean" brings along the users on an interactive journey that will educate them more about the dangers of ocean acidification while going back in time or travelling into the future.
Seeing CO2 From an online summary: “Seeing CO2 is an open world game prototype by design studio Extraordinary Facility that explores how intangible data on carbon emissions might be presented in a more relatable and interactive way. In the online game, players can drive around in a little blue van and explore a landscape populated with increasingly
Collapsus. Energy Risk Conspiracy Collapsus is an online game-like transmedia production that engages users with realistic future scenarios (2012-2025) about anticipated energy crises and the necessity of transitioning from fossil fuels to alternative energy sources. It consists of three screens or panels contained on one web page. The main fictional storyline is presented in the center panel. In approximately 35 minutes of
H&M Conscious Campaign H&M is a fast fashion brand that is doing a lot of marketing on framing themselves as a sustainable business. The way a fashion brand is framing their actions has a big influence on whether consumers will buy the clothes. H&M uses greenwashing to give off a perfect image of the company by marketing a
Vestiaire Collective Vestiaire Collective is an app that lets its users sell second-hand designer and luxury fashion. The app helps spread awareness on how designer clothes are a part of environmental problems such as overproduction and overconsumption of the fashion industry.
Vinted Vinted is a website and app where people can sell and buy second-hand clothes and other products, mostly fashion-related. It promotes eco-friendly shopping and the recycling of products. It provides users with an eco-identity and its affordances generally make it easier for consumers to make environmentally-friendly choices.
De Eeuw Van Mijn Opa: Eco Cinema This interactive movie shows how a grandson interviews his grandson. The interview takes place in the 22th century, while they are discussing the 21th century. After a short introduction, the viewer is able to choose the next part of the storyline, which makes it an interactive movie. The interactive movie contributes to an eco lifestyle
F1: driving towards a greener future The Federation Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA) has announced that Formula 1 is aiming to field a generation of a new power unit by 2025. Since growing concerns about the impact of human activity on the environment emerged from fans and critics, the FIA has launched an initiative to develop a 100% sustainable fuel. Their aim
#SHEINCares Shein launched a greenwashing campaign in August 2021, under the hashtag #SHEINCares. The hashtag stands short for ‘Sheincares for Animals’ and is part of Shein’s campaign to protect and save various species of animals. According to Shein’s website they ‘will be donating US$300,000 to meaningful welfare organizations. Searching for #SHEINcares to join us’ (Shein 2021).