Dungeon Meshi The Netflix anime series Dungeon Meshi (Delicious in Dungeon) is unusual in that it constructs the dungeon, a common worldbuilding trope from role-playing games, as an ecosystem and as a metaphor for ecosystemic interactions.
Tree Tree is a VR installation directed by Milica Zec and Winslow Porter that premiered at the Sundance Film Festival 2017 New Frontier Program, in which the theme was climate change. This virtual experience transforms participants into a rainforest tree. The experience begins with participants planting a real seed given to them by one of the Tree‘s
Plant Girl From the Gamefound page: “Plant Girl Game is a tabletop roleplaying game about a family of plant children working together to prevent ecological disaster in their small town.” The designers describe the player’s role as follows: “You don’t have to be a girl, but you do have to be a plant. Your character’s gender is
After Earth After Earth depicts a future where it is no longer safe for humans to live on planet Earth. The movie shows a theme of animal retribution, and that the antropocene -the age of humans- has passed.
Timberborn Timberborn is a beaver city-building game with a unique architecture system, wooden machinery, dams and water physics. By labelling the game an examples of "lumberpunk" (supported e.g. by the title), Timberborn taps into the current trend of differentiate -punk movements, communicating topicality and a larger world view than just one game.