
In the tabletop role-playing game Wolfspell, players embody humans that have been transformed into wolves. During the campaign, they will balance their wolve and human personalities, embedded in two dices that are used during the game: the blood die, representing the human thought (which includes the will to take risks) and the wolf die, representing


Symbiosis (Polymorf, 2021) is a performative, multisensory, multiuser and multi-species-storytelling VR experience.  It offers a speculative world set 200 years in the future on the ruins of the Anthropocene after climate disaster has changed the world beyond recognition. This installation offers blueprints for the creation of new family relationships between humans, animals, plants and AI. On the verge of extinction, symbiosis between and the redesign

“A Rickconvenient Mort” in Rick and Morty

The Netflix serial Rick and Morty is a comedy sci-fi animated show portraying a young teenage boy named Morty Smith and his nihilistic scientist grandfather Rick Sanchez whom travel through dystopian galaxies together. Every episode is a different story with dark humour intertwined. One of the most recently produced episodes called “A Rickconvenient Mort” features an ecological superhero named Planetina. Planetina forms an non-traditional eco hero, which shows the struggle of solving the Climate crisis. The character first poses as an ecofeminist symbol which is used as a business commodity to make profit. Later in the episode she is freed from her 'owners' and her archetype as Pure Hero fades. The struggle of solving big climate issues and at the same time act in an ethical way are pictured in the episode. She frames the broken system as the main issue.