Plant Girl

From the Gamefound page: “Plant Girl Game is a tabletop roleplaying game about a family of plant children working together to prevent ecological disaster in their small town.” The designers describe the player’s role as follows: “You don’t have to be a girl, but you do have to be a plant. Your character’s gender is

The Botanical Revolution: On the Necessity of Art and Gardening

An art exhibition that features an array of modern artistic interpretations of the ecological and shifting cultural importance of the garden. The exhibition seeks to stimulate ecological awareness and tries to educate its visitors on garden practices and views on nature throughout history while emphasizing the Anthropocene.


Petrichor is a strategy board game for 1-4 players. Named after the constructed Greek word describing the earthy smell after rainfall, Petrichor focuses on action selection and area influence mechanics. In Petrichor each player becomes a cloud and aims to let as many crops grow as possible. A player can use for different actions, which

Creating an Eco-Identity via Community Gardening Activities

Hoffman, August John, and Stephen Doody. 2015. “Build a Fruit Tree Orchard and They Will Come: Creating an Eco-Identity via Community Gardening Activities.” Community Development Journal 50 (1): 104–20. Theories of eco-identity, community development and community service gardening activities were addressed in the current study. The project explored how ecologically based gardening and fruit