Plant Girl

From the Gamefound page: “Plant Girl Game is a tabletop roleplaying game about a family of plant children working together to prevent ecological disaster in their small town.”

The designers describe the player’s role as follows: “You don’t have to be a girl, but you do have to be a plant. Your character’s gender is not essential to the game. In fact, the real plant girl is your mom—the kind-hearted witch who grows children in her garden.

Your mother’s garden is crowded with succulents and sometimes—when the timing is just right, when your whole family is ready—one of those succulents emerges from the garden as a human child. This is how you came to be: you climbed out of the soil, between the ages of ten and thirteen, and found your family ready to love you.

You’re tied to the land, to the soil and the water that fed you. Any threat to your town’s ecosystem is a threat to your family’s way of life—and your town is on the brink of ecological disaster. Your family must work together to protect yourselves and your community at large.”

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