
AirForU is an app that provides real-time air quality information and its health impacts.

The app obtains data from US EPA AirNow website and provides three types of air quality information: hourly air quality updates, next-day air quality forecasts, and 7-day historical daily averages. Air quality is quantified into a scale of 0-300, divided into five levels of health impact: Good (0-50), Moderate (51-100), Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups (101-150), Unhealthy (151-200), and Very Unhealthy (201-300).

In addition, the app provides information about local large industrial facilities that release toxic chemicals, which can be obtained when users enter their zip code or the current location. Users can also gain knowledge about air quality in the ‘Learn More’ section with frequently asked qustions (FAQs) and other external links.

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