Gaming Green: The Educational Potential of Eco – A Digital Simulated Ecosystem
Fjællingsdal & Klöckner (2019) describe in their paper that sustainability in education is on the rise among environmentally minded games developers. The educational impact of such games are growing. Their paper gives insight on the educational potential of a digitally stimulated ecosystem named Eco, with the aim to study how these games improve the environmental consciousness of players. Mainly, the environmental issues become more salient. However, the leaning outcomes vary, with a significant correlation between experiencing a decrease of game enjoyment and positive attitude towards nature. Two main themes highlight the learning outcomes as well as implications against learning. The results of the study shows how Eco is a useful tool to promote environmental issues and improve the consciousness about ecosystems.
Fjællingsdal, K. S., & Klöckner, C. A. (2019). Gaming Green: The Educational Potential of Eco – A Digital Simulated Ecosystem. Frontiers in Psychology, 10.